January 22, 2018

As we somberly reflect on this day, 45 years after the legalization of abortion in the infamous Roe V. Wade Supreme Court decision, we cannot help but also be grateful for the continued efforts of so many in the pro-life community to end this atrocity. We were fortunate to be able to attend both the Chicago March for Life and the national March for Life in Washington DC and stand (and walk) with hundreds of thousands of people who believe in the intrinsic value of human life.

We started off with the Chicago March for Life, where we first attended the Youth Rally to hand out wristbands that said “Choose Love…Choose life” and “shoutmystory.org”

Then we headed to the Federal Plaza with thousands of others who stood in the cold but were warmed by the encouraging words of the speakers, including Chicago Bears owner Pat McCaskey and His Eminence Cardinal Cupich. We ran into some students who were at the rally and were wearing our wristbands. Following the rally we attended the Rose Dinner, and listened to the powerful witness of Ramona Trevino, a former Planned Parenthood director who now speaks for Life.

Then we headed out to Washington to march, and also to meet women who wanted to shout their story. We were able to meet many women like Kristi, who was conceived in rape; Rachel, whose mother was told to abort her because she was “incompatible with life” and Beata, who was scheduled for an abortion when she met a counselor outside of the abortion clinic. KEEP TUNED because we will be posting these and many other stories on shoutmystory.org in the coming weeks.

above: Beata was interviewed as we all prepared to march. Ryan Bomberger, conceived in rape and an adoptifve father who Shouted His Story (with John Morales) and Rebecca Kiessling, founder of Save the 1, as she prepares to give an endorsement of Shout My Story.

Above: Karina prepares to Shout Her Story, and Pete Gennuso and John Morales give a thumbs up after setting up our booth. We gave out more wristbands at the booth and talked to many people about the 40 film and our new project, Shout My Story.

We met many new friends and saw old friends as well. Students from several high schools came up to get wristbands, including the students from St. Agnes Academy in Memphis , who watched the 40 film in before attending the March. They also used the study guide and informed us that it was very helpful to facilitate discussion. We were grateful to hear it! We also met others who had shown the film on their buses or at their church.

above: We get ready to walk. The weather was most cooperative.

Please remember to support us financially if you can! We have raised $40,000 of the $100,000 we need to meet our challenge grant.

Can you help us to meet this challenge by making a monthly donation? Please consider a
monthly donation of $10 or more a month.

Don’t forget to keep us in your prayers!

For Life,

John Morales
Executive Director

Cynthia Morales
Outreach Coordinator